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VulnCheck and ThreatConnect - Real-time Threat Visibility and the Most Comprehensive Asset Intelligence

Tom Bain@tmbainjr1

Speed and Accuracy:
Vulnerability Prioritization with VulnCheck and ThreatConnect to Unify Threat Defense

I’m really excited to be writing this blog to announce that VulnCheck is partnering with ThreatConnect. Why? To deliver a new level vulnerability prioritization to joint customers with VulnCheck exploit and vulnerability data integrated into ThreatConnect’s industry-leading TI Ops Platform.

What’s cool about this partnership? At the very highest level, ThreatConnect has built its TI Ops Platform to ingest data, to correlate insights, and to use intelligence to power threat defense.

In the rapidly evolving threat landscape, vulnerability management is a daunting task. Every month thousands of new vulnerabilities emerge, creating a significant challenge for threat intelligence and vulnerability management analysts.

With VulnCheck’s Community Tier solutions – VulnCheck NVD++ and VulnCheck KEV - integrated for ThreatConnect customers, cyber teams have better, faster and more contextual vulnerability data to prioritize which vulnerabilities to fix first – like an early warning system for software vulnerability weaponization and exploitation.

The new integration between ThreatConnect and VulnCheck promises to address these challenges by offering a unified, intelligent approach to accelerating identification and analysis, and improving the precision of prioritizing vulnerabilities for remediation. 

If anyone wants to take a look at how this integration works, you can find VulnCheck’s solutions integrated into ThreatConnect’s TI Ops Platform, live in the ThreatConnect Marketplace.

The Growing Challenge of Vulnerability Management, the Importance of Prioritization, and the Role of Threat Intel

With an average of 25,000 new vulnerabilities each month, analysts must sift through vast amounts of data to identify which vulnerabilities pose the most significant threats to their organizations. It’s a time-consuming process and often leads to wasted resources, gaps between vulnerability disclosure and remediation, and analyst burnout.

Threat intelligence is essential for vulnerability management. Some vulns pose immediate threats, while others may never be exploited or weaponized. Teams and tools can only manage vulnerabilities well when they have a way to prioritize them consistently. Analysts need tools that help them get the necessary insights to quickly determine which vulnerabilities are the most critical to address. This is where VulnCheck enhances this capability for ThreatConnect customers.

By understanding the tactics, techniques, and procedures (TTPs) of threat actors, analysts can better assess the risk associated with specific vulnerabilities. This intelligence helps prioritize remediation efforts and allocate resources more effectively.

**Introducing a New Integration between ThreatConnect and VulnCheck **
ThreatConnect is a leading threat intelligence platform that offers comprehensive tools for managing and analyzing threat data. It provides a centralized hub for cybersecurity teams to collaborate, investigate threats, and automate responses.

VulnCheck offers unparalleled visibility into the vulnerability ecosystem. It provides detailed intelligence on vulnerabilities and exploits, helping organizations stay ahead of threat actors and enables them to proactively reduce their attack surface. What is different about VulnCheck is it draws its prioritization capability from:

  1. Its ability to find evidence of exploitation in the wild – and that is how what matters for actually defending any organization.
  2. VulnCheck’s data is the single largest vulnerability and exploit dataset in the industry – over 325M records maintained on ALL CVE’s. And from sources that no other solution can access on a global scale.
  3. The intelligence is delivered in machine consumable format – meaning that tools can ingest the data with no human interpretation / analysis so that the teams can easily work it into workflows that are already built and relied on in the enterprise.

The integration between ThreatConnect and VulnCheck combines the strengths of both platforms. VulnCheck’s vulnerability and exploit intelligence are seamlessly integrated into the ThreatConnect TI Ops Platform, providing a unified view of the threat landscape. This integration enhances the precision with which analysts can identify and prioritize critical vulnerabilities.

Key Benefits of the Integration

  • Unified Vulnerability Intelligence - One of the most significant benefits of the ThreatConnect and VulnCheck integration is the unified view of vulnerability intelligence. Analysts no longer need to collect and process data from disparate sources manually. Instead, they get out-of-the-box insights that streamline their workflows and improve accuracy.
  • Novel Insights and Detailed Analysis - The integration offers in-depth details on vulnerabilities and threat actor activities. Analysts gain novel insights into emerging threats and exploits, enabling them to make more informed decisions and prioritize remediation efforts more effectively.
  • Automated Monitoring and Early Warning Indicators - Automation is a game-changer in vulnerability management. The integration automates the monitoring of emerging threats and exploits, providing early warning indicators that help analysts stay ahead of potential attacks. This proactive approach reduces the time between vulnerability disclosure and remediation.

Learn more today!!
To learn more about the VulnCheck integration with ThreatConnect TI Ops, please visit the ThreatConnect Marketplace. Contact ThreatConnect to speak to an expert today to get a personalized demo of the TI Ops Platform and to see the integration in action. To learn more about VulnCheck and get a demo, reach out to speak with one of their vulnerability experts today.